Welcome to Pike & Plank!

Welcome new friends and old friends alike to Pike & Plank. For over eleven years we’ve consistently delivered extraordinary Pilates to the Walnut Creek community and beyond. Founded in 2011 as Indigo Pilates & Yoga, we’ve recently grown into two beautiful branches of the same tree. You’ll find Pike & Plank and Indigo Yoga Studio both in Palos Verdes Mall, a short walk apart at opposite ends of the plaza. 

Pike & Plank occupies its own, separate space near Lunardi’s, between Pizza Americana and Cushing & Gan Optometry. Our three rooms accommodate over 30 group classes and numerous private and duet sessions every week, plus the GYROTONIC® exercise method and bodywork. Though our name has changed, our hearts are steadfast. We’re as passionate as ever about Pilates and the profound transformation it brings.

With a brand new website, new app on the way and new Mindbody Online account, you’re bound to have questions. Don’t hesitate to reach out so that we may assist you as quickly as possible. And be sure to download our brand new Pike & Plank App (coming soon!) so you won’t miss a beat. It’s a quick and easy way to reserve classes, stock up on sessions and keep up with the latest P&P news.

Our hearts are full of gratitude for those of you who’ve been on this journey with us for the long haul. We’ve been through a lot together! As a business and as a community, we’re standing strong and proud. Maybe it’s all that core work. Cheers to that! And a warm welcome to new folks just joining us.

Special thanks to Kim Harmon, Kathy Clark, Jeremy Allen of Musiquito Media for the beautiful pics and videos, Izza at Wei-Haas Creative for the stellar site, and to our friends and family.

Yours to the core, 

- Eric & Kelly and the Pike & Plank Team

Eric and Kelly Black

Eric and Kelly are both long-time Bay Area teachers of Pilates and Yoga. They worked in a variety of gyms and private studios before opening their own in 2011. What began as a “place to keep our reformer” gradually grew into two full studios, each devoted to different aspects of their vision.



Full-Body Breathing and Movement